Hello Blog Squad. I just remembered I have a blog. What a cute little spot this is; I remember spending an unnecessarily long amount of time creating this site for it to only be used for about a month. Alas, here we are.
Life recently has been a bit of a whirl wind. I returned from Paris on Wednesday to my sick father. He is home now and sips prune juice by the fire. A poetic gent. Poetically almost died. They can be quite dramatic.
Paris was very surreal and very, very lovely. That is the best word to describe it. The company might have been a bit unconventional, but I warmed up to the crowd quickly. I am feeling very sophisticated as you can probably infer through my diction (ahah). That is because I just returned from Paris if I did not mention that already AND I just watched A Midnight in Paris (<3). Anyways, I loved spending time with some family and popping in and out of bistros and sock shops.
Generally, I have recently been feeling a bit disconnected from myself. I say recently but I mean the past few months. (This is becoming a journal entry). So many big things have happened, and it feels like I have become almost emotionless. Probably for the better but seems a bit odd. I am trying to vibe but I don't feel present. I gotta slow down.
Also, I recently decided to join my school's Podcast Club. If I ever get around to starting one, I think I might like to post an episode or few on here.
Ok, I think we are all caught up.